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  • Rochelle Walton

Stop Trying to Do Life Without Me.

Some of us are stressed, frustrated and confused because we keep trying to do life without God. We don’t intentionally mean to do it, but our actions prove that we are and the feelings of being overwhelmed confirm that we have been for some time.

We started out trusting God and relying on Him, but somewhere along the way, when the process started to not go as WE planned and the journey no longer looked as WE anticipated, we became flustered and out of the reflex of our flesh, began taking things into our own hands. Do we really think we can handle matters better than God? Did we ever really trust Him if we only “trusted” Him when things seemed to be under our control?

Slow down. Consult God before every move. We don’t have to figure out the way when we know the Way.

As God’s children, we have access to innovative ideas. We are privy to information that others don’t have. We get to walk in favor that the world doesn’t receive. We get to perceive things afar off and prepare for them before they happen. We get to rest knowing that even while we are taking a break, God is still working on our behalf.

Friends, when we begin to feel stretched thin, we need to pause and evaluate whether we’ve begun trying to walk out this thing called life on our own. God gave us this life, He planned it and orchestrated it. Abundant life can only be found in Him and WITH Him. (John 10:10)

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