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  • Rochelle Walton

May I Be Transparent?

SOWFULL IS 5!!!!! Wow. May 2015 I did not expect Sowfull to be what it is today. As many of you know, I had originally intended Sowfull to be a food blog as I loved trying different restaurants in Charlotte. But God said, “no.” I even made the first post about a place where I enjoyed eating and God was like, “nah. That’s not what this is going to be about.” Lol so that was the last food post Sowfull ever made.

Total honesty, the Lord kinda nudged me onto Sowfull. It’s crazy how He walks you into your purpose in a way where you don’t even notice until you’re operating in it. Sowfull has been such a blessing in my life. God has used it to help me remain consistent and to hold me accountable. Not to mention He has connected me to some pretty amazing people including my closest friends through it.

I must be transparent, however, over the recent months or year I’ve kinda taken a step back. I began to not feel as comfortable promoting Sowfull or Sowfull Apparel. I mean, I’d post on the pages and so forth but when it came to networking and expanding, I didn’t really step out there. I’d just say, “God is my publicist. Whoever He wants to see Sowfull, will see it.” However, during time of reflection during social distancing, God has shown me that this attitude was birthed out of insecurity and fear. Insecurity that maybe Sowfull isn’t really making a difference and fear that when I share Sowfull people would either not be interested in the content or they would feel I was bragging about what Sowfull had/was doing.

I used “God is my publicist” as a cop out for putting Sowfull out there. I used it as an excuse to not take the risk of promoting.

I wouldn’t speak on the work Sowfull has done, who Sowfull has reached, what Sowfull has to offer or any successes along the way because I felt it would come across boastful not realizing that not sharing Sowfull wasn’t me being humble, it was me limiting God’s reach through Sowfull. I’ve repented for that and am being more vocal about what God is doing and what He wants to do through Sowfull. How can people know unless they are told?

It’s not about me, but about what God is doing through me. He gets the glory.

This is a God story.

Therefore, as the Scriptures say, “If you want to boast, boast only about the LORD.”

1 Corinthians 1:31

Maybe this is you. Maybe you don’t share your God-given gifts and ideas because you feel they won’t be accepted or you feel that by doing so, you’ll come across as being prideful or thinking “you’re better than”. However, as my dear friends Eboni, Erin and Aliyah pointed out to me last week, hiding your gifts isn’t humility. It’s counterproductive to what God is trying to do.

I had been downplaying Sowfull so long, I started to forget all that God has done through it. It wasn’t until I went down memory lane looking at old Sowfull posts in honor of its 5th anniversary that I was reminded of just the impact Sowfull has. God is doing great things through Sowfull and He could do even more if I’d let go and let Him move just as He wants without me worrying what others may think.

We hear often that comparison kills. I’ve spoke before about how we rob the world of what God has gifted us with when we try to be like someone else. But what about when we aren’t looking at someone else in a way of wanting to be like them, but rather we look at them and say, “they have more to offer than I do. I benefit so much from them but what do I have to offer in return?” What about when we don’t see what we have as being significant enough to share or put out there? We still rob the world of what God has to offer.

We are all called to different areas and audiences. We are all given different gifts but they are all necessary and equally important. Don’t ever downplay what God has given you and what He is doing through you. What you have to offer the world is priceless.

By Marianne Williamson
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?”
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Sometimes we get spiritual amnesia and forget all that God has already done and we have to take...


Here we are 5 years later...countless blog posts, numerous outings, various Bible Challenges, edifying Bible Study GroupMes, inspiring devotions, humbling speaking engagements, IG Lives, IGTVs, trending hashtags and apparel that packs a powerful message and innumerable lives changed later...Here we are. This is just the beginning. God is still moving.

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