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  • Rochelle Walton

Jesus Flipped the Switch

As many of you know, I am all about sharing my testimony in hopes that it will touch someone who feels they are too far gone or not good enough to come to Christ. Well on March 22nd I posted “Look, God just flipped the switch” to do my own twist on the #FlipTheSwitch TikTok challenge.

LONG STORY SHORT: I thought people would find it corny but Jesus took it farther than I thought or anticipated and the idea became a viral hashtag (#JesusFlippedTheSwitch) on Twitter where people are sharing their testimonies of how Christ saved them. Young people are unashamed and sharing Christ’s saving grace and redeeming love to thousands!!!

Participants also wanted tees to go with the challenge so #SowfullApparel jumped right on it!! Here are the two designs. Both available in black or mustard.

I don’t say all of this to brag but to share with you the meaning behind these tees and invite you to share your testimony on the hashtag as well.

If you’d like to order a tee that’d be dope too!

No testimony is too great or too small. We want to hear how #JesusFlippedTheSwitch

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